We train journalists and communicators using top experts in their field.
We create e-learning courses, hosted on our platform, Journalism Now.
We support local news organisations to maximise revenue by understanding their audience, using our wide network to share solutions across borders.
We help independent journalists and their news organisations under threat from anti-democratic governments to keep publishing.
We commission audience research in challenging markets to inform our network’s business decisions.
Working in almost 100 countries
32 ground-breaking courses via messaging apps – translated into English, Russian and Arabic
A strong, growing online network of more than 24,000 journalists
Delivering 177 e-learning courses in 16 languages
Providing training for 11,000+ journalists in just five years
1,000 grants in five years, supporting media outlets to grow by up to 75%
Our long history and global reach has uniquely positioned us to bring the most innovative solutions to helping local news thrive.
Journalism Now is an online training platform that offers a variety of training opportunities for journalists. From self-paced courses to live webinars and blogs, Journalism Now features training resources created by Thomson Foundation's network of international experts and practitioners focusing on practical skills and examples.