Who we are

We are experts on journalism matters providing expertise for journalists by journalists with training and digital solutions for business growth. 

With 60 years of experience working in nearly 100 countries, Thomson Foundation is uniquely equipped to support journalists and the interconnected business of journalism in emerging, evolving, and threatened media markets around the globe.  

We have our finger on the pulse of journalism from the inside, creating customised training and digital solutions based on real-life newsroom experience. 


Our approach

Thomson Foundation champions journalistic integrity supporting journalists and media organisations built on fair, independent and trusted journalism.

Independent, ethical journalism helps democracies thrive. It shines a light on government overreach and abuse, holds those in power to account and facilitates justice. It is a champion for the people — informing societies, improving public trust and increasing engagement in governance. 

Fact-based journalism is suffering under the weight of misinformation and changing distribution models. Our work promotes ethical reporting, supporting journalists, and ensuring sustainable media businesses survive and thrive around the globe. 

Because journalism matters

What we do

With Thomson Foundation, news organisations and communication teams often in challenging markets and emerging economies, have a nimble partner with a firm foundation in fact-based content to tailor solutions to local audience needs.

High-quality training for journalists

We have built a network of journalists who have undertaken high-quality training from industry experts and are committed to our standards. Journalists learn key skills ranging from: how to report fairly, use data effectively, the latest visual storytelling techniques, and how to engage and grow a loyal audience.


Innovative e-learning anywhere

Our platform, Journalism Now, hosts 177 e-learning courses in 17 languages, with a growing community of 24,000 journalists. Working in countries with low bandwidth, we developed 32 ground-breaking courses via messaging apps — translated into English, Russian and Arabic  now widely used as a learning tool by our network.


Supporting networks to maximise revenue

We provide industry-leading consultancy to news organisations to help expand audiences and maximise revenue to support quality, independent journalism that tells stories vital to the public interest. We link local news organisations from Kyiv to Kigali, Quito to Cairo  creating a dynamic community to share solutions where it matters. 


Helping news ecosystems under threat

We work in challenging markets where independent journalists and news organisations are at risk of being quashed by anti-democratic governments. We empower journalists to report fair, independent stories with practical advice and donor support to sustain publication. We work discreetly to protect our partners. 


Informing media through research

We commission extensive audience and media landscaping research to inform the editorial and business development of participants in our projects. We do this research in countries where reliable quantitative audience data often doesn’t exist, but is vital for business growth.




Skills-intensive training remains at the heart of what we do as an organisation.



We help every type of media improve engagement with their audiences.



We bring Thomson Foundation's hands-on skills training to the online world.


Annual reviews

Our annual reviews highlight some of our most noteworthy activity from each year, from encouraging engaging journalism with impact that has created prize-winners across the globe and inspiring business models to support independent media, to providing high-quality training and consultancy to ensure the spread of the best contemporary media skills.




2023: Getting it Right

In a year dedicated to precision and integrity, we focused our efforts on empowering journalists and media companies to navigate the complexities of AI, enhance engagement, report on conflicts accurately and fortify the pillars of democracy.


2022: Access all areas

In 2022, we had the highest level of overall revenue in the history of the foundation, and reached our biggest audience with a single training course- a WhatsApp based course on disinformation for journalists in Sudan which was taken by more than 10,000 people


2021: Essential networks

Many of the challenges that journalists face day to day are not faced in isolation. Our 2021 annual review looks at the power of networks to offer support, knowledge, inspiration, expertise and opportunities.


2020: vision

It was a year that will be long remembered for a pandemic which cost countless lives and dominated news agendas worldwide. Find out how we helped journalists across the globe cover this momentous story responsibly and safely


2019: The power of truth

A testament to our alumni who report fearlessly from some of the world's toughest datelines. 


2018: Migration

Combating fake news and hate speech – nowhere is this more relevant than in the reporting of migration. 


2017: Youth takes centre stage

In one of our boldest-ever initiatives, we launched our e-learning portal, Journalism Now.


2016: Measuring up

In an age when funders want a more quantifiable impact, it's gratifying to have detailed external evidence. 


2015: Making headlines

We reached a turning point in 2015 with more large-scale projects than before and our biggest ever contract.


 2014: Rewind

From helping to protect media freedoms in Kosovo, to bringing Asian journalists together for a conference in Bali. 

2023: Getting it right

How we are empowering journalists to navigate AI, improve reporting and strengthen democracy.

Explore our projects across the globe