Building media capacity in Sudan

Posted by Helen Scott



This long-term multimedia project is designed to build capacity and raise standards across all media in Sudan which will underpin good governance and democratisation.

Our role

Experienced trainers specialising in print, radio and television journalism have been working with journalists selected from initial training programmes. They have been supported with more advanced training and English-language classes. By offering continued support, we are helping to develop their careers with a view to their skills being shared with colleagues.

We help journalists in Sudan operate to international standards.

Helen Scott, project lead, Thomson Foundation
Training media leaders

We have been working also with an elite group of 24 Sudanese editors, who visited the UK on a Thomson Foundation organised study tour. They visited key media institutions and took part in facilitated sessions which explored the challenges they face. Work with the editors has continued in Sudan.

  •  More than 700 media professionals have benefited from the scheme over the last four years.
  • Hundreds of stories showing better journalistic standards and a wider agenda have been published or broadcast.
  • We have identified and are supporting key media personnel who will be playing a part in Sudan’s future.
  • We have built trust with 24 of Sudan’s most influential editors, and are working with them to professionalise the media in challenging circumstances.
Funding and partnership

The Sudan Media Capacity Building Project is delivered by the Thomson Foundation in partnership with the British Council and funded by the British Embassy, which has spent over £1million on the training.


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Helen Scott

Helen Scott

Editorial Associate

Building media capacity and raising standards

The programme in Sudan has helped to train over 500 journalists since its launch

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